Ateliers d'art de France presents

Banquet Ukraine

Under the high patronage of the Ukrainian Embassy in France and the Association « Friends of Ukrainian culture in France », project curator Sana Moreau presents the projet-installation Vitality. Ukrainian creation. Ukrainian culture always seeks light. It is the « entropy of creativity », which is directed towards the future. The vitality of Ukrainian culture is expressed through a selection of unique pieces, illustrating the creative strength of material artists in a context of war. Bright, revivifying and hopeful objects, these creations combine wood and textiles, paper sculptures and ceramics.


Vitality is one of the phenomena of Ukrainian soul and culture. This irresistible life force is like a plant that always knows where the sun is. It germinates and is embodied in the articles of Ukrainian designers. Life always finds a solution to continue. A true artist always anticipates the events unfolding around him. Thus, this project, composed of luminous and invigorating objects, is the hope and the premonition of the victory of the forces of light over the forces of darkness, a sign of our Victory. You will find this prophecy in each object chosen for the project. All the objects were created to be presented at the Salon.

The creators
